

PM1009 is a next generation checkpoint inhibitor to the PVR-TIGIT axis by inhibiting two non-redundant checkpoints TIGIT and PVRIG. In preclinical studies, improved tumour inhibition was found in combination with PD-(L)1 inhibitors compared to individual agents that target TIGIT or PVRIG alone. Through Fc-characterization in preclinical tumor models, Fc function has been retained for PM1009 on an IgG1 backbone.
Product description

PM1009 is a next generation checkpoint inhibitor to the PVR-TIGIT axis by inhibiting two non-redundant checkpoints TIGIT and PVRIG. In preclinical studies, improved tumour inhibition was found in combination with PD-(L)1 inhibitors compared to individual agents that target TIGIT or PVRIG alone. Through Fc-characterization in preclinical tumor models, Fc function has been retained for PM1009 on an IgG1 backbone.

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