Research and Development


Cancer is the second-leading cause of mortality worldwide, with numbers of deaths and incidences increasing year by year. Approximately 20 million cases are diagnosed globally with 4 million in China alone, resulting in 10 and 3 million deaths per year, respectively. The demand for high-quality anti-tumor drugs is substantial. Significant breakthroughs in immunotherapy has been a historic milestone for increasing the number of available treatment options, aimed at providing care to  patients with unmet needs. Biotheus develops novel immunotherapies including bi-/multi-specific antibodies, and scientific data-driven combination treatments.

Inflammatory & Autoimmune Diseases

Inflammatory diseases refer to biological circumstances in which the body generates over-exuberant immune responses, such as the case for asthma and psoriasis. In some instances, the induction of immune reactions towards self-antigens may damage normal health tissues resulting in the development of autoimmune disease. Approximately 7.6% ~ 9.4% of the population worldwide suffer from various types of autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases have now become the third highest chronic disease in terms of prevalence, followed by cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Autoimmune diseases are difficult to cure, where patients may require long-term or even lifelong medication, and may seriously affect life quality. Biotheus is committed to developing drugs that offer patients relief from painful inflammatory diseases.

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